女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(21)


Part 2

A week went by and my new friend had not called. I wondered if she was just laughing about the way I let her treat me, I must have looked like a fool to her friend and mother. I didnt care really, i kept those socks instead of putting them in her dirty clothes basket. I slept with them under my pillow, I layed them on the floor, bowed down and kissed them wishing she was standing over me and practiced massaging them. Another girls DIRTY SOCKS!!

My mother called "Shawna, Amber on the phone for you"! I dont think I ever ran so fast down the stairs! She told me to meet her at the mall in 2 hours if I wanted to hang out, and bring the socks I took, clean. Ughhh she knew! What else could I do? I took a few more deep sniffs, then washed them, as she told me to do.

I met her at the designated spot, her friend was there again. They had already been shopping a bit as there were a few bags near them. Miss Amber smiled, said hi and asked if I was ready to get shopping. Hell yea! "Carry the bags" she ordered. She jumped right into her role and again I couldnt help but feel proud to carry out her order.

She talked about a family get together she must attend and she needed to find a pair of new sandals, so off to the shoe store we went. She pointed to where she wanted their bags placed and I put them down as told while they browsed the shoes. When I got back to them she had picked out three pairs she liked. She handed them to me and told me to ask the sales rep if they have them in a 6.5. When the rep came back with the boxes i took them over to Miss Amber who was already seated. "Cool, lets see how they look" she said bouncing her foot and smilling. I dropped to my knees and asked which ones she wanted to try first. "You pick" she said. I pulled her ankle boots off then her socks. I was going to put her socks in her boots untill she said "Wait! I have a better place". With that she layed one over each of my shoulders and laughed. If I wasnt in a humiliating position enough, she upped the ante. I slipped the first pair on her and carefully did the straps. While I stayed on the floor Miss Amber walked around in them a bit and this carried on till she tried them all. She asked her friend which ones she liked best and she immediately replied the silver ones. Then she stood above me and asked my opinion. I looked up at her and asked what color dress she planned on wearing. Blue was her reply. Then I asked what color her nails would be. Blue again was her reply. I told her I thought the blue strappy heels would look great. She smiled down at me and said she thought so as well. She looked so pleased with me i couldnt help but keep smilling while I undid the straps and put her socks and boots back on.

I once again gathered the bags together and set out behind them. She then stopped and asked if I would like to do her nails for her. "Yeah, Id love to!" was my reply. "Lets go to the bookstore and find a book on pedicures so you can do it properly" was her next idea and I thought it was a great one! Once in the bookstore she found a clerk and pointed to me saying, "she has a question for you". "Ahh, do you have a book that teaches you how to give pedicures?" I asked and Miss Amber added, "A beginners book, nothing too complicated, yet". The clerk just looked at us and told us to follow her. When she showed us the books available, she asked if their would be anything else. I looked at Miss Amber then the clerk and asked, "anything on giving foot massages?" Miss Amber looked truly pleased at my request! "OK, Shawna pick your books out" was Miss Ambers next order. I found "Pedicures for Dummies" and Miss Amber and her friend laughed. Then I found one on a massage book focussing on the foot. She bought them both for me as gifts if I promised to study them. No problem there I thought!!
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